Super Dragon Ball Want in Finale

Super Dragon Ball Want in Finale - Animeheroshop

At the latest Dragon Ball Super final episode for the Championship of Power saga, However, it does not look clear that this wish encompasses.
According to this lore in much sooner Episodes, there were originally 18 universes perhaps not including the World of Void, 6 of which were erased by Zen-Oh a long time before the Tournament of Power began.
Is there some evidence to support whether these 6 other universes were revived with the wish?

I think the wish has been pretty cleverly worded since it gives the series much more options later on. Then again we can’t be sure if it had been done deliberately. It could be for one of 2 reasons:
1- For Future Arcs: Since we now already got a taste of 8 Universes at the tournament of power, then they could introduce even more powerful characters out of those erased universes. Perhaps an extremely powerful wicked villain, or a God who has gone rogue. We won’t know exactly the same until a future iteration of Dragon Ball.
2 – to truly save out on time/ dialogue: Perhaps, viewers may be thinking a lot of it considering the fact that there is very little time staying from the previous episode, maybe it made a ton more sense of Saying Revive each of the Universes that were erased during the length of this championship of power. Considering it was said twice by both 17 and the Grand Priest.

As much as I want to believe it was intentional, I have got a sense that it’s not considering that 8 fresh Universes come into the picture that can be researched. Especially Universe 6 and Universe 11.
Also, there are 4 Universes that didn’t take part in the tournament of power which could be researched. Contemplating the abundant number of characters present, I don’t see why they’d want to bring more Universes into the picture. On the other hand, Dragon Ball has been pretty inconsistent in Super. We all thought Android 17 was dead although he also wound up winning the tournament of power! So we will not understand until launch the following iteration of this Dragon Ball Series.

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